Sunday, November 11, 2007

Visiting Wilde Church on Sunday evening...

After snacks, mate, and great conversation with Dave & Ruth Ann, I was shuttled to Wilde Church for another big event. Wilde (prounced "WHEEL-day") is the church family of Steve & Wilma Bailey. I knew this would be a shorter visit, since I was scheduled to preach again at another church AN HOUR LATER. All in great fun and terrific ministry opportunity!

The people of Wilde were also very welcoming and easy to talk with. I recognized several from the Home Group on Thursday night - Daniel, Ricardo, Elsa, Jose, and Ophelia. How great to already have some friendly faces here! I was impressed to see so many young people involved in this church - actually, they are at every church. God is raising up a new generation of churches, young leaders, and new believers here in this part of the city, and it is nothing but terrific!

Apparently, this church has its very own Cafe 4:9. A little insider joke for my home church family - a good thing for hospitality ministry. Sweet tea hit the spot. Just like at every church - every person kisses you on the cheek. It's considered rude not to greet someone with a kiss on the cheek. This isn't just the Christian greeting, it's the Argentine greeting!

Worshiping together was great, and many of the songs are starting to sound familiar. They hand out song books with the words for each song printed out so you can read them. Lots of young adults at this gathering too!

Steve Bailey interpreted as I preached on Colossians 4 again. In some ways, I think these people could come preach that sermon to us. Many of these people are reaching out to love others because of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Wonderful pictures and stories. Please tell everyone I said hello. Wonderful people. Thanks!