Sunday, November 11, 2007

Neighborhood Bible School with Jose Marmol Church!

It looks like just another building in a small village on the south side of Buenos Aires. On Saturday afternoons, it becomes much more than a building.

The sign reads "Welcome, Kids, to Bible School 2007." Around 4:00pm here, kids from all over the little "visha" (small, poor village) arrive and start to play and sing. When this ministry started, they would play soccer and volleyball outside as kids arrived. Now, they use this building, owned by one of the fathers of a girl who participates in the church at Jose Marmol.

With the help of about a dozen adult and teenage volunteers, the Bible School fills the neighborhood building with games, singing, laughter, and all-out fun. Somehow, they roped me and several other guys into the games. They also asked me to introduce myself and say hello from the Delaware Grace Brethren Church. Most of the kids here are from families that do not attend church. Seems somewhat similar to what our church does with backyard Bible schools.

Tito, one of the lead elders at Jose Marmol, is also on guitar and vocals for the kids' event. He has six kids, and almost all of them are involved in the ministries here - very exciting to meet many of them. You might remember his daughters Noelia and Marla from previous posts - we visited their worship service last Sunday (11/4/07) in the evening.

1 comment:

Gary McDuda said...

Gary Dos!

Thanks for sharing with our spiritual family today! Good stuff.

Gary (Slim) McDuda