Sunday, November 11, 2007

Retreat with Team Corrientes

The missionaries here are assembling a team to plant a church in the city of Corrientes. It is far north of Buenos Aires, but much of the training and meetings are happening now in B.A. This weekend, the team is having lots of time in prayer, discussion, and equipping for their upcoming mission. Steve Bailey and Eduardo and Gary McCaman have been working with these guys, and I was grateful to get to meet the team and hear more about their church plant in a very different city.

Front, from left - Alice Peacock, Cristina and Guggi, and Tatiana. Back, Holly and Kevin High.

Steve asked me to share something that might encourage or be relevant to this team for a few minutes on Saturday afternoon. We spent some time talking about Titus 2:6-10 and 1 Peter 2:12 - how our lifestyles might serve to gain trust and respect from others - especially when you're the new people in town. We had some prayer and some mate (MAH-tay), and I really enjoyed spending time with them again.

I did ask Cristina and Guggi and Eduardo to tell me some things about their background. Each one shared a little bit about how Christ has made the difference. I was fascinated to hear that Guggi really made a commitment to Jesus after listening to the music of Stryper back in the 1980's. Stryper is a Christian band with the kind of music Guggi really liked, but he noticed that they were much different and had faith. He started reading the Bible for himself, and the rest is history. He had no idea that God would eventually have a church-planting ministry in store for him down the road!

(From right - Gary McCaman, Eduardo, and me). Apparently, I was trying to signal something to our video tech crew, otherwise known as David Martin himself!

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