Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday Morning at the "Feria"

On Tuesday morning, just down the road from the Martins, the "Feria" is open for business. Apparently, that's the "free-for-all-flea-market" where you can buy produce, clothes, meat, candy, and just about anything else. It's pretty cool, and I think the vegetables and meat are a big hit here. People bring their own personal carts to take home their groceries.

Here, three hungry shoppers examine these fresh vegetables. We bought some sweet strawberries and some terrific oranges. On the way home, Jennie and I stopped at a local store and got some Coke. I have fun trying to order things in Spanish, even though I barely know the language. People who know me and how I can just talk to strangers sometimes - well, it gets even worse (or better) with people from other cultures. I love interacting with them, even if I might look silly. It's fun just to try.

At the Feria, one meat-marketer is listing all of his savory choices. "Lengua" is "tongue." Yummy. Seriously, I remember being in Russia as a senior in high school, and being served "cow tongue" at a fancy restaurant. I'll confess that I have no idea what it tastes like, and have no interest in finding out. On this list, "corazon" is "heart." I'm sure some other organs and muscles are reflected in this list - can you name them?

Unfortunately, this little piggy went to market. What a shocking sight!

Here's some clothing apparently on sale for half a dollar. Or maybe just another glimpse of how far-reaching pop U.S. culture has gone. Sad, but true.

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