Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A stroll for a steak?

After walking through the cemetery and then a large park-square, we find ourselves walking through downtown. It's called "Microcentro," with lots of shops and tourist attractions and restaurants. But we are on a mission.

Our mission is to eat some great Filet Mignon at a great price, here at this wonderful restaurant on Calle Florida.

This was one of the best steaks I've ever had in my life. I tried not to eat the entire thing, but simply couldn't help it. Argentina is known for its beef, and this did not disappoint. A steak like this, weighing at least 16 ounces, would cost over $35 in most U.S. restaurants. We got ours for just over ten bucks! Jennie and I loved it, and much thanks to Dave & Ruth Ann for taking us here!

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