Thursday, November 8, 2007

Home Group @ Wilde...

Well, here's the highlights from Thursday...

- Because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are jam-packed with ministry and meetings, we really wanted to take it easy today and catch up on some rest and reading and such. I got to sleep in a little, work on some e-mails, and try out my new Jerva Mate mug. Have you ever had that stuff? It's supposed to be healthy. Apparently, my Mate is too big for just one person, so hopefully our Home Group and possibly our church staff will drink it with me sometime.

- For lunch, Dave Martin and I went to Quilmes and ate at the Korner Kafe' - yes, that's how they spelled it. Anyhow, I had another Lomito Supremo (which is NOT Argentine for "Taco Salad") that was very good, again. We walked around town and I got a gift for my parents.

- In the afternoon, I got to call Jennie and talk with her and with Allie and Luke. has hooked us up with 0.03 per minute internationally. That's terrific, especially when compared with the $1.99 Sprint was going to charge me to use my celly.

- "Celly" means "Cellular Telephone."

- Tonight, I went with Steve & Wilma Bailey to a Home Group from their church. Their church is called "Wilde" (WHEEL-day), and apparently I am visiting there to preach on Sunday. Anyhow, the group met tonight at the house of Ricardo and Amelia. There were eleven of us believers there. We sang praise songs in Spanish (go figure), and the only one I recognized went like this:

Tu nombre levantare'
me deleito en alabarte;
te agradezco que en mi vide estes
que vinieras a salvarme.

Dejaste el cielo para monstrar la luz,
de lu trono a la cruz y mi deuda pagar;
de la cruz a la tumba,
de la tumba a to trono,
Tu nombre levantare'!

- The Home Group was great at making me feel welcome and asking about my family. Once we started, Steve says to me, "You've got something to share, right?" Well, I suppose! =) I led a study and discussion on Hebrews 10:19-25 - one of my favorite verses about how we (as a body of believers) are to draw near to God and encourage each other. It's a great verse to build your Home Group and your church around.

- Overall, I was very touched to meet these fellow believers. We prayed together for their church, we prayed for Joe Russell, they prayed for Jennie and our upcoming new baby. What a precious group of brothers and sisters in Christ. I enjoyed meeting Jose', Amelia, Ricardo, Elsa, Ophelia, Daniel, Dora, and Guille. I also enjoyed another taste of grapefruit soda.

1 comment:

Gary Underwood said...

Just in case you wanted to know, that Spanish song I listed above is translated, "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." Does that sound familiar?